Somewhere at the crossroads of belief, culture, and politics, there is real magic.
Welcome. I’m a journalist, writer, editor, and award-winning author based in Atlanta, Georgia. My work has mostly been focused on the areas of religion, the occult, pop culture, film, and witchcraft.
I also love telling the stories that lift up voices not typically heard and highlight the faces not typically seen.
Lights Camera Witchcraft

“This is a book I personally have long been waiting for.” - S. Hergest on GoodReads.
Lights, CAmera, Witchcraft:
A Critical History of witches in American film and television
Winner of a 2022 gold COVR award!
The witch as a cultural archetype has existed in some form since the beginning of recorded history. Her nature had changed through technological developments and sociocultural shifts.
The award-winning book Lights, Camera, Witchcraft traces the figure of the witch through American cinematic history from 1896 to 2020 with an analysis of the entertainment industry’s shifting boundaries concerning expressions of femininity. Focusing on films and television series from Bewitched to The Craft, the book looks at how the witch reflects changing gender roles, religion, the modern practice of witchcraft, and female agency.
Order now at Barnes & Noble, Llewellyn.com, or your local bookstore. To purchase a signed copy, contact me directly.
The Love Witch (2016), dir. Anna Biller. Courtesy Anna Biller.
“Heather Greene takes and elevates the history of witchcraft, leading every reader to a new insight into the film industry’s influence on society and the evolution of how witches are seen and viewed.” - A. Shane, Portland Book Review,
Ryan Jay Reviews (Radio) October 29, 2021.
Ryan Jay Reviews (Television) October 29, 2021.
Wiccan Rede (Magazine) January 30, 2022.
FiveFoldLaw with Thumper Forge, “Bring in the Clown Witches” May 9, 2022
Pop Culture, Hisory, Religion,
Witchcraft, Politics, & Society

I am a freelance journalist with works published at a number of outlets: Religion News Service, Religion Unplugged, Circle Magazine, The Wild Hunt, and more. Check out some of the recent articles in this gallery.
Religion News Service
Religion News Service
Religion News Service
And one more thing…

Witch’s Movie Coven
Join us every week to talk movies, television, pop culture.
My Llewellyn Library
Books by the many authors that I have worked with at Llewellyn Worldwide